I woke up to the tent flapping in the wind. It’s been so still for the entire trip until today. It was probably only blowing at 12-14km per hour but it took the wind chill down to about -35 degrees. After the daily 300g of oats with four dates I geared up and got myself out of the tent. My hands were intantly frozen as I rummaged through my sledge looking for my thick gloves. We left the camp spot at 9am on the dot, walking into the wind. The wind was freezing my mo with ice almost instantly! It was a bit of a grunt! Head down and walking was the only thing I could do to get me through the pain from the cold on my nose.
At about midday the sun came out and everything got a lot easier. We are about 200km from the coast and today I saw two birds. The first was in the morning, a small black bird most likely making its way to Canada and then in the afternoon a goose making the same journey! After another Yum yum MSG laced lunch I was good to go for the afternoon. As the end of the day neared I started to feel a niggle in my feet. It was the beginning of blisters! My feet get so wet in the ski boots as they don’t breathe and sweat filled socks is the only thing that gives me blisters. I wrapped my feet up in tape on the rubbing points and pushed on. Today I was feeling tired for the first time! The weather tonight isn’t looking good. At about 6pm it went full white out, we pitched camp and prepared for a small blizzard. The forecast says up to 100km per hour gusts to come in the early hours of the morning. Me and Keith have built a 3m high and 2m thick wall around our tent to stop the wind

We are siting in our tent drinking a hot choc mixed with baby formula.... it’s very interesting tasting! I’m feeling pretty confident our wall will stay standing but Im still keeping my fingers crossed it holds!