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Vancouver Island - Day 19

Much to our disappointment we were unable to paddle today. We woke to heavy rain which was forecast to get worse. We made the most of having a room and a kitchen, Ngaio made many cups of tea and we lay out our map and got to planning! We wrote down the wind speed, wind direction, swell, tides and paddling windows for the next week. Then we plotted on the map how far we could get each day, safely, depending on the conditions. It looks like we are having another day off tomorrow followed by three or four 40km days. Yikes. What will make these days hard is the fact that we are paddling a long way, plus the conditions aren’t ideal. They are safe but there will be swell and it will be choppy. The silver lining to all of this is we are on a schedule to meet team Coextinction at Tofino! Before we began our adventure around the island, Ngaio and I were with the Coextinction team, helping to film a documentary about the beautiful Southern Resident Killer Whales. We are beyond excited to be reunited with this awesome crew and if all goes to plan, have a night camping together. We also have two friends, Austin and Jesse, ready to meet us and paddle with us from Victoria. These two things are making us feel so positive about the upcoming big days. We know how lucky we are that we have awesome people who are interested in being a part of what we are doing.  

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