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Vancouver Island - Day 20

The rain was pouring down in Kyuquot this morning. It was great to be snuggled away dry and warm, but we knew it was only temporary. Plus, if it wasn’t for the strong south easterly wind we would be paddling in the deluge!

I worked on my wood carving while Ngaio did some writing. It’s nice to be reminded that I enjoy domestic bliss as well as crazy adventure.

I made use of the wifi and video called my family in NZ. It was my mums birthday and she was at home with my dad, sister and brother in law (to be) eating cup cakes and cookie dough. I loved being able to talk to them and show them a few things I had made and found. Its tough though because it brings to the surface things I would usually ignore when I’m on an expedition, like missing my family!

After midday the rain had stopped, we headed down to the boats to pump the water out and sponge them dry. We have a 4am start tomorrow so we wanted to pack the boats and have them ready to go today. We sorted all the dry bags in the room and got everything packed just as another huge rain storm came thundering down. We sat and watched the boats fill up with water, wishing we had just flipped them the night before. We waited until early evening, went and dried out the boats... again, and packed them for the morning.

We are aware neither of us will sleep well knowing we have an early start, that’s just the way it goes sometimes. It will be worth it when we beat the winds and make it to a sheltered camp tomorrow.

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