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Vancouver Island - Day 47

There was a beautiful sunrise over the water this morning, getting me out of the tent much faster than usual. I took my camera down to the water to take a photo. Austin was right behind me with the same idea.

We wanted to be on the water by 9 to make the most of the incoming tide. It was a beautiful glassy day on the ocean. We had a change of route so we could go with the currents making the paddling nice and easy. Our only concern for the day was that we had to land somewhere with water. This was never a problem on the west coast but getting fresh water while avoiding the towns, cities and farms is a bit harder on the east coast. We checked up on the maps and saw there was a provincial park, we headed here for fresh water and hopefully a sweet camp spot. About 20km into the day the island came into view, we were all relieved because we were so thirsty! We pulled up onto a little beach and walked into the park on the hunt for water, it felt great to use our legs again, and we found water that was ready to drink. Almost all of the water on this trip we have had to boil or use our steripen, not today! Ngaio and I filled up our 20litres then we all got back into the boats to find a camp. We landed on a small stoney beach that had a rocky point jutting into the ocean. We set up camp on the point and sat around the fire on the rocks taking in the lovely clear sky. Austin and Jesse are only on day 3 of paddling and they did a 30km day today! Pretty impressive effort. 

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