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Vancouver Island - Day 52

It felt strange to wake up in a house rather than a tent. Ngaio was sleeping on the floor on her roll mat and we had the window wide open to make us feel like we were still in our tent. The temperature has dropped a few degrees and there is a cold nip in the air, promising frosty ground and snowy mountains before long. I started off getting all my batteries and devices charging, it’s a long process of waiting for things to fully charge and swapping them out for a new device. I have more devices than chargers so it takes a while.

Ngaio headed into town to get some waterproof spray for the tent. We thought it would be wise considering the amount of rain it looks like we will be camping in for the rest of our trip. If we can stay dry at night we will be much happier campers! We have more space in the kayaks now and we were able to stock up on some treats for the last leg. We got drinking chocolate, peanut butter and bananas along with some boring supplies like rice, flour and milk powder. Once Ngaio returned from her escapades we set about waterproofing the tent. First we had to wash it, keep it wet, lay it flat and spray with the waterproofer. We wiped away the excess liquid and hung it up to dry. Fingers crossed we did a good job and we have a dry cosy tent for the rest of the trip. We used today to reorganise ourselves and rest before the last big push up he Coast. We want to take our time and enjoy every day, as long as it doesn’t snow on us we are happy! 

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